CLAA Clothing Christmas notice: Order before Nov 10th

Thinking about a CLAA shirt or jersey as a Christmas gift? Order CLAA clothing now to ensure delivery in time for Christmas. 


Choices include short sleeve tee-shirts ($18), long sleeve tee-shirts ($22), polo shirt ($27) and Jersey/jacket ($50).  Double XL and larger are an additional couple of dollars.


We will send in our order November 10th so items can be here by Thanksgiving weekend for you to pick up.


Orders after that date will be saved but our vendor requires at least 12 items for an order and it takes another 10-14 days to arrive so we may not be able to make a Christmas deadline.


Use the online CLAA clothing order form  or contact

Mark Weisse  [email protected]  608-334-9622 .


Clothing information, photos and prices available at CLAA 2023 Clothing