Propane Gas Contract

We have just concluded our negotiations with Lakes Gas for the 2019-2020 propane season. This is the third year of our three year contract. I am happy to report that the price will be $1.16 commencing June 1st. This is pricing for the entire propane season, not just for summer months like other propane vendors are advertising. Only those who have paid their 2019 CLAA dues will receive contracts at the contracted price.

Since the winters can be especially tough, please be diligent and keep your driveway and path to your tank clear. If you have an underground tank, mark the fill head with a flag. You may be on Automatic Fill, however it is extremely important for you or your caretaker to monitor your tank. If you get to 30% or lower, call Lakes Gas. Even though Lakes Gas monitors propane usage based on prior year’s history and temperature variations, there are still many variables such as alternative heat sources, vancancies throughout the year, home damage and furnace issues which make it very difficult for them to be 100% accurate while monitoring your usage. You will be receiving a letter from them on this subject later this summer. Have a great summer and note I have a new email address.