Yard Waste

Jacksonport Yard Waste Disposal

Hours: 24 X 7 Fees: None

Directions: Take Hwy A north from the Town Hall. Take left unto Junction Road off of Hwy A . Then take another left onto Pit Road. Go down Pit Road about 1/3 of a mile around a curve to the Dump Site.

Disposal: Grass Clippings, Leaves, Brush and Tree Branches up to 3 inches thick

First Marked Site - is for Grass Clippings and Leaves
Second Marked Site - is for Brush and Tree Branches (up to 3 inches thick)

No dumping of garbage, bulk waste (appliances, electronics, etc), firewood, logs or trees greater than 3 inches in diameter. Please do not ruin this opportunity for everyone else.

This is for Jacksonport Tax Payers only. Violators will be prosecuted.


Sevastopol Yard Waste Disposal

Hours: 24 X 7

Fees: $100 Annually (Call 746-2912 for Permit)

Directions: Take Hwy 42-57 south over the Bayview Bridge. Turn left on Hwy U going south. Then turn right on Division Rd to Dump Site at 1531 Division Road.

Disposal: Grass Clippings, Leaves, Brush and Tree Branches up to 3 inches thick Dump Sites are marked

No dumping of garbage, bulk waste (appliances, electronics, etc), firewood, logs or trees greater than 3 inches in diameter. Please do not ruin this opportunity for everyone else.

This is for Sevastopol Tax Payers only. Violators will be prosecuted.