Volunteer Needed

Click below for volunteer sign-up information. To volunteer, please contact the person indicated for each task:


 Project  Tasks  Schedule  Number
 of  people  needed
 Equipment  Needed   Contact Person &  phone
 Goose  control   find nests  March/April  2 to 3  small boat  Paul  Schumacher  823-2109
 inspect eggs  April  2 to 3  small boat
 oil eggs  April/May  2 to 3  small boat
 Walleye  reefs   Identify spawning  reefs from small  boat or shore if  possible
(9PM-  midnight)
 1-2  weeks  after ice-out
 2 to 3  small boat,  flashlights,  maps,  marker  Don Hinnenthal      823-2660
 Signs   place signs at  ramps  April/May  2 to 3
 remove signs  mid November  2 to 3
 Buoys    place buoys in no  wake/no motor  zones/boat ramps  April/May  3  boat/GPS  Paul Schumacher
 remove buoys  late October  3  boat
 Bulrush  survey  survey bulrush  population  August
 3  small boat,  GPS, camera  Paul Schumacher
 Rummage  sale  plan event  May-June  3  computer  Sally O'Brien
 advertise  July  2  computer
 install  signs/flyers  August  2  signs
 Picnic  Plan/organize  May/June  2 to 3  computer/phone  Dan Valosek,      Paul Bouthilet
 Seek prizes  May/June  2 to 3  phone
 collect  money/register  July 20 11am  2
 serve food  noon  3 to 4
 kids activities  1pm  1 to 2  games  Mike O'Brien,      Bob Kufrin
 clean-up  2pm  2 to 3
 Golf outing  Plan/organize  cancelled  Old trophies  Joe Otto -  [email protected]
 Phragmites  plan/organize  August/Sept.  2  chemicals  Paul Schumacher  823-2109
 Fest  bundle & cut plants  Sept. 7  8  loppers (3)  Paul Schumacher
 apply herbicide  Sept. 7  3  hand sprayers (6)
 collect cut plants  Sept. 7  4  heavy plastic  bags
 dispose of cut  plants  Sept. 7  4  heavy plastic  bags
 Install signs  Sept. 7  1  signs/sticks
 provide lunch  Sept. 7  2  food/drink/tables
 clean-up  Sept. 7  3  garbage bags
 prepare report  October  1  computer


CLAA Volunteer Planning.pdf