Official Notice of the CLAA Annual Meeting

The 2024 CLAA Annual Meeting is scheduled for 9:00AM on July 20, 2024 at the Jacksonport Town Hall. Please arrive early for check-in and verification of membership.

Note the Meeting Date Change from the 2nd Saturday in July to the 3rd Saturday in July and the Format Change in the removal of the committee reports from the agenda which should shorten up the length of the meeting.

The purpose of the meeting is:

To review and approve 2023 financial report and 2025 Budget, the 2023 Annual Meeting Secretary’s Report, the Ballot proposals for new and renewing Board members, and other business that comes before the Board dusing the meeting

We need your attendance in person or Proxy to achieve a quorum to be able to conduct
CLAA business.

Click on each item listed, to review them before the Annual Meeting:

Ballot Proposals are addressed below.

Please submit Member Concerns/Member Questions about CLAA and/or Clark Lake in writing (using the Contact Us button on bottom of the Home Page of our website) by July 12, 2024, in order to be adequately addressed by the board.

Click on Meeting Agenda to review the new formated Agenda with call-in number for those who wish to participate online. Ballot Proposals can be found under the Additional Board Members Section of the Meeting Agenda.

Mike Brunet
