Clark Lake phragmites treatment 2019 volunteers needed

 Volunteers are needed to assist in phragmites treatment on Saturday 14 September from 8:30 AM until Noon.  Please meet at the 3441 Clark Lake Ct. (Brad and Christine Moe property) at 8:30. Water and light refreshments will be provided.

This year we will be tying the plants together, cutting them off and then applying the herbicide directly to the stalk.  The cut ends will have to removed and stacked. 

This is a wetland area and there are plenty of mosquitoes and muck so wear appropriate footwear and clothing. Even though we are not spraying any of the herbicide you should still wear old clothing and take precautions since the herbicide will be in the area.

If any questions please contact; Mark Weisse [email protected]  608-334-9622.